WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States wants the Security Council to condemn Iran in a draft international resolution to support a ceasefire in Hodeidah in Yemen, but Russia has rejected US action, diplomats said on Tuesday.

The Security Council, composed of 15 countries, is currently discussing a draft resolution put forward by Britain to support the agreement and asking UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to make proposals on how to monitor the ceasefire and redeploy troops.

Guterres told the Security Council that the debris of several ballistic missiles fired by the Houthis on Saudi Arabia appeared to be Iranian.

The text of the initial draft, seen by Reuters, condemned the "supply from any source, arms and related materials, in violation of the arms embargo."

According to diplomats and a revised draft, the United States wants to condemn Iran specifically, but Russia has opposed the wording. Diplomats said Washington was aiming to adopt a resolution next week.

UN diplomats also said some countries wanted the draft resolution on Yemen to focus on the ceasefire agreement reached in Sweden and the removal of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen from the draft.

Kuwait's ambassador to the United Nations, Mansour al-Otaibi, said yesterday that the Security Council's member states are still working on the draft resolution, and that the draft did not address some of the concerns.

For the first time since al-Huthi's militia took over, the rebels agreed to stop fighting in the Red Sea town of Hodeidah, withdraw from the city and harbor it, and enter aid into Taiz, the third largest city in Yemen, which has been besieged by militias for years.