The United Arab Emirates stressed the need to coordinate Arab positions, organize joint Arab action to confront ongoing regional interventions in Arab issues and in the internal affairs of the Arab countries. Arab countries should agree on coordination that protects the unity of the Arab lands and their political systems from external interference. Views within the Arabic family.

This came during the speech of the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, during his presidency of the delegation of the State in the work of the 151st ordinary session of the Council of the League of Arab States, held yesterday in Cairo at the level of foreign ministers.

In his speech, Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash called on Iran to respond positively to the UAE's repeated peaceful calls for a solution to end its occupation of the three islands of Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa, stressing that the solution of this issue is through dialogue and direct negotiations, International arbitration, consistent with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law.

"As we are gathered here, we note that the pace of Iranian interference in the internal affairs of the Arab countries continues. There are many Iranian tools, spaces and files in which Iran moves. The examples are numerous. What is stated in the Yemeni file and in the Yemen crisis is one aspect of the Iranian intervention, . It is natural that we seek normal relations with all the neighbors in the world, foremost of which is Iran, and we affirm that any normal relations must be based on clear principles, respect for sovereignty, and refuse to interfere in internal affairs.

Gargash said that the Stockholm agreement, which was reached on December 13, 2018, was "an important opportunity to move the Yemeni crisis from its military to a political one. It is also a result of the military pressure exerted by the Arab coalition forces and Yemeni legitimate forces on the Houthis In Hodeidah, but today we are at a very difficult juncture, which is that Huthi, as we have previously reached agreement on a certain thing, and then lag in the implementation of this agreement, which we observe today ».

"Although months have passed since the agreement was signed in Sweden, we see that Houthi is still reluctant to implement his commitment to withdraw from the city of Hodeidah, and from the ports of Hodeidah, Salib and Ras Issa," he added.

He pointed out that «although the humanitarian situation has begun to improve as a result of this agreement, but the opportunity before us to strengthen this situation and deepen and address it undermined by the Huthi approach, which seeks to block the agreement reached», saying «continue to support the efforts of the United Nations And the efforts of the UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith.

Gargash stressed the UAE's commitment to the Arab alliance led by Saudi Arabia to restore legitimacy to Yemen and the rejection of the coup against the state and society in Yemen, stressing the UAE's continued commitment to support the humanitarian and development side in Yemen in the coming period.

On the Palestinian issue, Gargash said that the UAE's position is part of the Arab consensus regarding the Palestinian issue, which is to support the efforts to reach a comprehensive and lasting solution and to establish an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, And the Arab Peace Initiative.

In this context, he called on the international community to fulfill its commitments to the Palestinian issue and the Palestinian refugees, stressing the UAE's commitment to support the UNRWA agency for the relief of Palestinian refugees, which reached in 2018 approximately $ 54 million. He stressed that "the Palestinian issue remains our primary cause. Commitment to the legal frameworks to deal with this issue, and we are undoubtedly at a sensitive stage in regard to which we need the Arab solidarity and coordination and continuous communication ».

With regard to Syria, Gargash stressed the need to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis, in accordance with the decisions of Geneva, welcome the new UN envoy to Syria and his efforts, and stressed their support in this regard.

He reiterated "the importance of restoring the active Arab role in the Syrian crisis to face the continuation of regional non-Arab interventions which undermine international efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis, and to alleviate the suffering of this country and its brotherly people.

On the Libyan issue, Gargash renewed the UAE's support for the efforts of the UN Special Representative to Libya, Dr. Ghassan Salameh, aimed at achieving national consensus with a view to reaching a political solution that will restore security and stability in Libya, pointing out that the UAE is doing everything possible to help the efforts. Arab initiative to support international efforts to ensure security and stability in Libya.

"The UAE believes that the efforts of the international community to deal with terrorism over the last decade have been effective, and the victory over the organization of the terrorist advocate is the best proof of that," the minister said. The strikes on al-Qaeda in Yemen and Libya confirm the effectiveness of these efforts, but we are convinced that we have a great effort to work together to combat extremism and extremist ideology, which is the incubator of terrorism. Hate speech and extremism, and we are convinced that the important efforts that have been made in the fight against terrorism were not efforts to combat extremist ideology and extremism with the same intensity and coordination, which are aspects that the UAE emphasizes in its national orientation ».

"This is a long way to go, and we, as countries and societies suffering from extremism and terrorism, must lead these efforts, and our work should be fundamental in defeating extremism at the level of the international community," Gargash said. , To promote human values ​​and efforts to spread the principles of peace and moderation. In this regard, our capital, Abu Dhabi, last February witnessed the historic visit of His Holiness Pope Francis of the Catholic Church and his meeting with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Grand Imam Dr. Ahmad Al-Tayeb. Humanity , Represents an essential step in defeating the discourse of extremism that has prevailed in the region for many decades, and replacing it with a central vision that supports our Arab strategic objectives of stability, development and prosperity. "


- "We call on Iran to respond positively to the calls of the United Arab Emirates to find a solution to end its occupation of the three islands."

- «The Palestinian issue is still our first issue, and we are still committed to the legal frameworks».

- «UAE stresses the need to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis in accordance with the Geneva decisions».