The head of the Federal National Council Dr. Amal Abdullah Al Qubaisi affirmed the UAE's firm position on the unity of Iraq and its sovereignty over all its territory and rejected any external interference. He welcomed the new Iraqi leaders and leaders to develop their relations with their Arab surroundings for a strong Arab Iraq among their brothers. Expressed confidence in the ability of Iraqi national institutions to overcome all obstacles. Al-Qubaisi made the remarks during a meeting with Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives Mohammad Al Halbusi and his accompanying delegation at the headquarters of the National Council in Abu Dhabi yesterday, where they hailed the historical relations of cooperation between the two countries and the two brotherly peoples. During the meeting, they discussed means of enhancing cooperation relations in various political, economic, cultural, educational and investment fields and reconstruction in Iraq, stressing the importance of parliamentary cooperation between the two councils, exchanging visits and experiences in the interest of both countries and peoples. This requires a consolidation of attitudes and attitudes towards various issues.

The two sides discussed a number of issues of common concern, notably the development and activation of parliamentary diplomacy.

The meeting also tackled the latest developments in the region, efforts to confront terrorism, extremism and misguided thought, non-interference in the internal affairs of states and provocation by supporting armed militias and seeking to resolve various issues through diplomatic efforts and political solutions and achieving security and stability in the region and the world. They stressed the importance of international cooperation in confronting terrorist groups, taking comprehensive measures to combat them through a clear and unified strategy, and the need to redouble their efforts to confront them immediately and effectively, and to reaffirm the rejection of terrorism and extremism in all its forms and manifestations, whatever its motives and justifications. Al-Qubaisi stressed the keenness of the Federal National Council to enhance cooperation, provide any support and expertise in the parliamentary field, extend the bridges of cooperation and play any role in its strong relations with various parliaments and geopolitical groups in parliamentary associations, especially international ones. Various parliamentary institutions in favor of national issues and Arab and Islamic countries. She stressed the importance of establishing a parliamentary friendship committee between the Federal National Council and the Iraqi Council of Representatives to build on the existing and developed relations between the two countries in various fields and to coordinate during participation in the international parliamentary activities through parliamentary diplomacy and to keep abreast of official diplomacy and the two countries' directions and develop relations in various fields.

For his part, Al Halbusi stressed his country's keenness to strengthen the various bilateral relations with the UAE, especially economic, pointing out that Iraq has great challenges of reconstruction, attracting investment and promoting the national economy. He said that the UAE has always been supportive of Iraq, not surprised by this, because it always stands by Arab brothers and in different circumstances, praising its efforts in supporting Iraq in its war against terrorism and supporting efforts to restore stability. Al-Halabousi called on al-Qubaisi to visit Iraq to enhance bilateral relations in various fields and ways to enhance cooperation and coordination in the parliamentary field, as the visits contribute to uniting positions in parliamentary forums at the Arab and international levels.