The Sharjah Criminal Court has sentenced five people of Asian nationalities for stealing an apartment, seized 46,000 dirhams in a bag and distributed the money stolen from them after the victim refused to give them their salaries, .

The details of the case come back to the date of August 18, when five people entered an apartment by breaking a door using an iron piece and searching for valuable property. They stole a bag of 46,000 dirhams and then fled and shared the money in what Including, after informing the police and the presence of teams investigating the location of the incident, and the unloading of surveillance cameras were identified, arrested and interrogated, and referred to the judiciary and the prosecution to complete legal proceedings against them.

The court confronted the first, second and third accused of the charge against them, who, together with others, entered the victim's apartment deliberately after breaking the outer door lock and found the bag. The defendants admitted the charges against them.

The defendants said they were working with the victim in the construction and contracting business, and did not pay them their salaries for months, which made them offer to steal his home.

For his part, the complainant confirmed that he did not know them and had never dealt with them or seen them until after the cameras were emptied to find out who committed the crime of theft and presented a list of the civil claim after paying the fees. The court also reserved the case for judgment on December 19.

The defendants claimed that they were working with the victim and did not hand over their salaries for months.