The Third Human Resources Forum 2018, organized by the Government of Dubai's Human Resources Department, discussed topics that aim to raise the human capital of government departments in Dubai and launch it into a wide range of innovation and innovation, thus enhancing the development of Dubai in particular and the UAE in general.

The forum was attended by the Director General of the Department, Abdullah Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi, and a number of executives and officials of human resources in government agencies in Dubai.

Al-Falasi stressed in a speech that the leadership attaches great importance to the human element and is keen to prepare all avenues for the human resource to perform his duties in an atmosphere of happiness and comfort.

He said that the Government of Dubai is keen to develop the performance of government work and strengthen the position of the Government of Dubai as a leading and pioneering government, and harnesses all its resources and capabilities to provide direct support for investment in human beings and the rehabilitation of qualified and aware leaders to cope with the rapid transformation in the nature of government work and develop the competencies and capabilities of the government system to build leaders able to continue Leading and innovating solutions to create a bright future.

He added that the Department has updated the Human Resources Law of the Government of Dubai to match the best international systems in attracting and managing competencies and capacities, setting up frameworks to ensure the improvement of the government's human resources and keeping pace with the future government orientations in support of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The conference reviewed the most important features of Human Resources Law No. 8 of 2018, which is flexible in terms of application by government agencies. It gives them powers to issue regulations and decisions related to the nature of their work. The law deals with some topics without elaborating on the details. In general, as the general law in the field of human resources at the level of the Government of Dubai, so that the provisions of the various government agencies, in addition to stability and stability, the new law came to address the general of many of the topics without going into details, Independent Chairman of the Executive Council.

During the forum, Talent Management was also highlighted in the Department of Human Resources of the Government of Dubai, the overall strategy of employment and training followed by the management, and ways to retain talent in government and private institutions for development and creativity.

The Department of Human Resources of the Government of Dubai signed a memorandum of understanding with the Dubai Police General Headquarters, whereby 75,000 employees of 41 institutions and government departments in Dubai will be given a happy "happiness" card. Through various advantages, discounts and offers in the public and private sectors.