Hundreds of residents of Mosul on Saturday took part in demonstrations condemning corruption and demanding the resignation of those responsible for the sinking of the ferry that killed 100 people, mostly women and children.

Abu Salem returned Friday to the Tigris River where his wife and two children were killed by the sinking Thursday when they and others were on their way to a tourist complex to celebrate Norouz and Mother's Day.

"The officials at the tourist complex are criminals," says the 50-year-old. "We will demonstrate and hold our hands until we take our right."

"If you continue to ignore measures to limit the violation of the law in public facilities and no safe and sound rules have been set, there will be other incidents because corruption is increasing here," he said.

The young woman from Mosul, Shaima Mahmoud, 25, said that to prevent these incidents, "officials in the province must be changed and held accountable immediately."

In the meantime, cries and cries were shouted at the victims' families around them, including "exiting" and "resigning" in reference to the Ninewa governor's convoy, which was attacked by some protesters.

Shaima lost her cousin and her friend among the victims, who numbered as many as 100 people as the ferry drowned and overturned carrying dozens of people.

"These officials must pay the price of negligence and negligence towards the province," the young woman said, which was restored by the security forces less than two years before the Da'ash organization and most of its territory remains devastated.

And believes that Mosul suffers from «corruption that amounted to the use of words that do not meet the conditions of safety or lifelines».

In his turn, Iraqi President Barham Salih, who arrived at the scene on Monday morning, said that "corruption and mismanagement" are responsible for the incident.