“During the“ Clear Sky ”exercises between the Ukrainian Air Force and those NATO pilots who are there today, training battles were held. According to the statements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Su-27 is completely superior to the American car. There is information that the American pilots decided to test the work of the Su-27 at critical extreme loads. Therefore, their pilot landed with the Ukrainian and began the flight, ”Volodatsky believes.

According to the deputy, military equipment in Ukraine does not receive proper maintenance.

“According to all the technical parameters of the overload, the machine passed, but it was unable to pass the exorbitant loads on the basis that the Ukrainian aircraft was not serviced at the proper level. The APU equipment is morally obsolete and does not go through the necessary maintenance work. So all the statements of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine that their Armed Forces are now ready to break the militia of Lugansk and Donbass cause huge doubts, because, as it turned out, they do not correspond to reality, ”he concluded.

Earlier, the military prosecutor's office of the Central region of Ukraine launched an investigation into the fall of the Su-27 in Vinnitsa region.