According to him, Trump wants to improve relations with Russia, as a man and a businessman.

“Before the elections and after the end of his term, he will really do it. Therefore, he, as a good leader, an effective president for Americans, should not burn bridges. In a series of all the statements that Trump must make annually, this is on the line. Such statements from him periodically sound in order to confirm that he is faithful to the word given during the election campaign and, someday, maybe he will get on well with Russia, ”the deputy said.

Sherin also noted that “the stabilization of relations between Moscow and Washington is neither in the economic nor in the geopolitical interests of the United States.”

Earlier, Trump said that once Washington and Moscow will be able to improve relations.

The president also noted that "he was much tougher with Russia than (former US presidents. - RT ) Obama, Bush or Clinton."