It is reported RIA Novosti.

According to her, by the moment, only Americans have visited Whelan. At the same time, representatives of other countries of which he is a citizen may also pay a visit with his consent.

“Only US representatives visited. The American side didn’t apply any more on this issue ... The rest asked for permission to visit under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, ”she said.

As Zakharova added, if Whelan "confirms that she wants these visits, they will be organized in a time convenient for all parties."

It is noted that Whelan holds American, British and Irish citizenship.

According to the agency, the Russian Foreign Ministry also received a request from the Canadian embassy to arrange access to it.

Earlier, British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt commented on the detention of Whelan.

On December 31, the FSB announced that a US citizen had been detained in Moscow during a spy action.