The inauguration of the headquarters of Ivry-sur-Seine is postponed to December 15, the PS having decided to be alongside the French "to defend their purchasing power" on November 17.

The PS decided Tuesday to be "alongside the French" who planned to protest against the rise in fuel taxes on November 17, announcing at the same time the postponement of the inauguration of its headquarters Ivry-sur- Seine (Val-de-Marne), planned that day.

"We support the French who mobilize (...) We will be at their side to defend their purchasing power , " told AFP the entourage of the first secretary Olivier Faure.

The national office of the PS on Tuesday night adopted a resolution denouncing the "scam" of an ecological tax that will benefit only 20% of environmental policies, and requesting "the organization of a national conference on financing of the ecological transition associating all the economic, social and political components of the country " .

The inauguration of the Ivry headquarters, postponed for the first time, is postponed until December 15, a date already blocked for the organization of a National Council on the statutes of the party.

The National Council on the European question, also scheduled for 17 November, is postponed indefinitely.

"What has been noted is that in a shifting political context, we must allow ourselves the opportunity to foresee all the solutions," explained Mr Faure's entourage.

The PS intends to allow itself the opportunity to discuss with other political parties its strategy for the Europeans. "The PS will not be the one that leaves a boulevard to Emmanuel Macron while there is the possibility of sharing fighting," it was explained.

Former Environment Minister Ségolène Royal has said she does not exclude taking the lead on a progressive list and ecologist European, which would gather beyond the only PS. But there are other "options" , assured the same source.

Also scheduled for mid-November, an appointment devoted to the assessment of the five-year period of François Hollande is also postponed a month later.