Israeli occupation forces stormed the Shweika area in the northern part of Tulkarem in search of an outlet for Operation Burkan in which two settlers were killed, while one of its raids on Gaza targeted minors, while Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi stressed the importance of advancing the peace process between the Palestinians and Israelis.

In the details, a large number of infantry and mobile patrols moved into Shweika, north of occupied Tulkarm, with the support of a reconnaissance aircraft flying over the area.

In the same context, violent clashes broke out between Palestinian youths and the Israeli occupation forces, who opened fire and tear gas at them.

The Israeli occupation forces announced that they arrested six Palestinians during raids and searches in the West Bank governorates yesterday morning, and the detainees were transferred to the investigation.

This comes at a time when the Israeli army confirmed yesterday that it did not know that one of its raids on Gaza targeted minors, defending itself from the charges against him after the death of three boys in an air strike in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army said it believed the three boys, aged between 13 and 14, according to the Health Ministry in Gaza, were planting a bomb near the fence separating Israel and the Gaza Strip.

"The soldiers spotted a group of three suspects approaching the squatting position, which raises suspicion, from the border, taking advantage of the darkness," he said in a statement, adding that they had been caught while they were "sabotaging the fence and digging."

The Israeli army said that "the three were moving in the same way recorded in previous incidents during which terrorists put explosive devices in the same place."

Before firing the air strike, he said, "they fired warning shots at them but did not respond." He stressed that the military "did not find them young."

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip announced on Sunday the death of three children from Wadi al-Salqa in "Israeli air strikes". They were Khalid Bassam Mahmoud Abu Esaid, 14, Abdul Hamid Mohammed Abu-Zaher, 13, and Mohammed Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Sattari, 13.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) accused Israel of "excessive use of force" after the deaths of the three boys, who said they were between 14 and 15 years old, and were martyred last Monday.

The Palestinian Center said that its investigations revealed that the three children "approached the fence separating Israel from the east of the village of Wadi al-Salqa and east of Deir al-Balah, in an attempt that appears to be infiltration," adding that "an Israeli drone fired a missile" in the direction that resulted in their deaths.

The center described the operation as "a new crime of crimes resulting from the excessive use of force".

Politically, Hamas denounced the outcome of the meetings of the Palestinian Central Council, which held the movement fully responsible for not complying with all the agreements on reconciliation.

The movement said in a statement published on its website last night that it "deplores slander and fabrication by accusing it of disrupting reconciliation, despite all its concessions and high flexibility, which were met with severe negative attitudes."

And stressed that «is ready to implement all the agreements directly and without delay, foremost of which is the 2011 agreement, and if this can not be achieved we go to form a government of national unity that oversees the holding of legislative and presidential elections and a national council that the people will rule on who is authorized».

It also called for "adherence to the implementation of all corrective steps, which ultimately lead to the adoption of the option of resistance and stop the security coordination and the withdrawal of the recognition of the occupation and disengagement, which is still practiced the worst forms of repression and distortion and Judaization of Jerusalem."

The final statement of the meetings of the Central Committee held the movement fully responsible for the non-compliance with the implementation of all the agreements that were signed and foiled, as confirmed «the complete rejection of the projects aimed at the separation of the Gaza Strip from the West Bank», and considered that «the truce with the Israeli occupation a national responsibility of the Palestine Liberation Organization As the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. It is not a sectarian act. "

In another context, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi stressed yesterday the importance of pushing forward the peace process between the Palestinian and Israeli sides.

Sisi, who is currently visiting Germany, said during a meeting with German Foreign Minister Haikou Mas that Egyptian presidential spokesman Bassam Radi said in a press statement yesterday that Sisi pointed to the need to reach a just and comprehensive peace between the two sides, And would allow the States of the region to achieve the economic and social development their peoples aspired to.

Violent clashes broke out in Tulkarem between Palestinian youths and the Israeli occupation forces, who opened fire and tear gas at them.