About this informs channel BFMTV with reference to the police.

EN DIRECT - 136 interpellations à Paris, dont 96 gardes à vue https://t.co/4eecjsr3NTpic.twitter.com/6LBmwnUqoj

- BFMTV (@BFMTV) December 15, 2018

As noted, 136 were detained, 96 of them detained.

Les forces de l'ordre commencent à disperser les manifestants sur les Champs-Élysées pic.twitter.com/9MTbPuSu0j

- BFMTV (@BFMTV) December 15, 2018

Earlier it became known that the correspondent of RT France Nadezh Abderazzak was injured in the face during the protests in Paris, it was reported about 92 held.

RT is a live broadcast.