The world is filled with many secret places, which are either banned because of their danger or because they are unique, so that ordinary humans can not see or enter them.

Marta González Hontoria presented in a report published in the Spanish newspaper "Almondo" some of these secret areas, from the legendary area 51 to the Vatican's secret archives, through the Google Data Center or the tomb of the first emperor of China.

The Shrine of the Emperor
The first emperor in China, Qin Shi Huang, wanted to bury with him all that he might need in the afterlife. He ordered the construction of a mud army to bury him with him when he died.

The Chinese government does not permit digging near the tomb because the burial chamber is surrounded by rivers of mercury, making it a very dangerous place.

World Seed Bank
The Svalbard International Seed Cemetery in Norway is a storehouse for thousands of samples of agricultural plants from all over the world and is subject to high security control.

It was established ten years ago to ensure that all plant seeds are preserved to counter climate change and other natural disasters.

Interestingly, this place, also known as the Apocalypse, has been drilled at a depth of about 130 meters on a mountain in the Norwegian island of Spitsburgen. This place is free from any volcanic, seismic or radiological activity as well as sea level.

Google Data Center
From Finland to North Carolina and from Belgium to Oregon, the giant search giant Google has its own data centers around the world, storing and managing servers or data for millions of users, valued at millions of millions of dollars.

Area 51 (Nevada)
This legendary military base is located behind the Mojave Desert Gate, 130 km from Las Vegas, a very secret place.

Since the area around Al Qaeda can not be discovered, there are many conspiracy theories around it that many believe is a place where the US government hides vehicles and objects, including the flying saucer that allegedly crashed in Roswell in 1947.

Snake Island
Located 40 kilometers from the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the island is one of the most inaccessible areas in the world.

In this context, legend says the last person dared to approach was a fisherman found dead a few days later. On the other hand, there are those who claim that this area, also known as the island of Ela de Kimada, is banned because it is home to a large number of the most deadly snakes in the world.

Federal Reserve Building
This place is the main reserve for gold reserves, and is located at the US military base in Fort Knox, Kentucky, and features a door weighing about 22 tons. But the most prominent part of New York City hides the world's largest gold reserves, specifically in the basement of the Federal Reserve. It is estimated that this institution is hiding the equivalent of 200 billion dollars of gold.

Secret Archives of the Vatican
Pope Paul V established this place in 1612. This secret archive is located under the Vatican Museums.

Since the late 19th century, access to it has been limited to small groups of historians and researchers with the prior permission of the Vatican.

Stretching in this secret place shelves along 85 km contain many valuable and important documents, such as the actions taken by the Inquisition against Galileo Galilei.

Queen Elizabeth II Bedroom
Queen Elizabeth II of Britain lives on the second floor of Buckingham Palace's eastern wing. Interestingly, only a few people had the opportunity to see Queen Elizabeth II's bedroom.

In 1982, a man named Michael Fagan managed to sneak into the royal palace and the queen's bedroom and sit on her bed, confirming later that the room did not contain anything remarkable.

North of Sentinel Island
Just getting to this area is very complicated. The island, part of the Andaman archipelago in the Bay of Bengal, is located 1370 kilometers south of the mainland of India.

The location of this island is not the only obstacle to reach it, since no one dares to approach it because of the mysterious tribe inhabiting there, which rejects any form of integration into modern civilization, or any external contact with other people, to the extent that its members attack even the fishermen Who approach them. For this reason, a three-kilometer buffer zone has been established around the coast of this island.

Armored Coca-Cola Room
Thousands of people have tried so hard to detect the composition of the coke. In 2006, one of the company's employees was arrested after attempting to sell the secret recipe of the drink to rival Pepsi.

Since 2011, its composition has been one of the most closely guarded industrial secrets at the Coca-Cola World Museum in Atlanta, having been hidden for 86 years in a cupboard in Sun City Trust in the city.