The official account of the UAE Government Liaison Office confirmed that the official holidays were predetermined in the Council of Ministers' decree issued on 5 March, which combined public and private sector holidays to balance and strengthen social ties.

He congratulated the government liaison office through his official account on the social networking site "Twitter" the Islamic nation on the occasion of the anniversary of Isra and Maraj.

According to the resolution adopted by the Council of Ministers for the years 2019-2020, adopted early last month, the schedule of official holidays is free of the holidays of Isra and Maraj and the Prophet's birth.

The Cabinet recently approved a decision to set official holidays in the public sector for the years 2019-2020, and granted the private sector similar official holidays, with a total of 14 days annual public holiday. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation confirmed that the decision encourages citizens to work in the private sector, Labor market productivity.

The Council stressed that the decision aims to enhance communication between the public and private sectors, achieve balance between them, and support the national economy in its various sectors, pointing out that the decision will contribute to the organization of work in the sectors, in addition to enhancing the attractiveness of the private sector and the entry of citizens, Citizens and residents can plan their holidays in advance and strengthen and strengthen social ties between all sectors of society, in the absence of conflicting leave between the two sectors.

This year's holidays include the public and private sectors, as stipulated in the resolution: the Eid al-Fitr holiday on the 29th of Ramadan to the third of Shawwal, the holiday of Arafah on the ninth of Dhul Hijjah, the Eid al-Adha holiday from 10 to 12 Dhul Hijjah, Muharram 1441, the martyr's day holiday on the first of December, and the National Day holiday on the second and third of December.