The Yemeni government and the Iranian Houthi militias agreed at a meeting of the Committee of Prisoners and Detainees between the legitimate Yemeni government and the Iranian Houthi militia, in the presence of representatives of the United Nations and the International Red Cross, yesterday in the Jordanian capital Amman to complete the exchange of lists of prisoners and detainees.

The UN envoy's office in Yemen, Martin Griffith, said in a tweet on Twitter that the committee discussed the steps taken so far to implement the prisoner exchange agreement and agreed on steps to continue progress in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.

"The meetings of the prisoners' committee witnessed positive, constructive and frank discussions on the implementation of the agreement reached between the two sides prior to the Swedish consultations, and the two sides took the first step towards its implementation by completing the exchange of lists of prisoners and detainees. The deputy minister of human rights in Yemen, member of the government committee, Majid Fadouil, pointed to the existence of fraud in the statements of the delegation of militias, which refrained from providing representatives of the government with remarks about 232 names in the previous lists, and in his response to the rest of the names provided by the circumvention in the report.

He pointed out that during the meeting it was agreed to submit observations on the statements within three days, and to grant a period of seven to ten days to respond to the observations and provide evidence, after which the final statements will be signed, which will be exchanged prisoners and detainees accordingly.

He said that there was a meeting between representatives of the government with representatives of the Red Cross, which is the follow-up of the statements on the lists of names of prisoners.

The head of the militia delegation for prisoners affairs, Abdul Qader al-Murtada, stressed in press statements that they rejected any agreement until the Yemeni government is committed to the legal release of all foreign prisoners, he said, in a clear reference to the prisoners of the elements of "Hezbollah" and "popular crowd" and the Iraqi "Guard Revolutionary »Iranian.