The leader of the Turkish Nationalist Movement, Dullet Bechtel, warned Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates against supporting the Kurdish people's protection forces in Syria, saying that the two countries have become "a dagger in the back of Islam."

In a speech to members of his party bloc in the Turkish parliament, he said that allegations of Saudi and UAE support for the so-called North and East Frontier Guards in coordination with the United States have been correct. This may mean that Saudi Arabia, which has not yet benefited from the impact of the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi , And that the UAE, which does not hide its hostility to Turkey, died of their debts owed to America, as he put it.

"Where is Islam from countries that have become hostages of imperialism, to teach these regimes that are hostile to Turkey and its people that it is only a poisoned dagger in the back of Islam?"

He called on the leader of the Turkish Nationalist Movement Party to bear the consequences of the "brutal crime" against Khashoggi, saying that those who support terrorists and align with the enemies against Turkey has no place in Islam, according to his description.

On another subject, he launched an attack on Germany to organize the "Fourth German Islam" conference on November 28, 2006, for the first time in 2006. "Where did the German Interior Ministry take the right to organize a conference on Islam?"

He said that Germany's "behind interfaith dialogue", cooperation with the Turkish opposition group Fathullah Gulen, and the interpretation of the teachings of Islam in a qualitative manner, were an insult to all Muslims and all religions.

He pointed out that the conference sponsored by the German government has invited many figures opposed to Turkey, expressing anger over the provision of pork to the attendees, and to try to redefine Islam in the interest of Germany.

The Turkish politician said that the conference seeks to imprison the mosque inside the church, and that Germany has exceeded its borders "by organizing campaigns of contempt for the Islamic religion."