The official spokesman of the brigades of the Yemeni giants that the joint resistance forces are on the outskirts of the city of Hodeidah, and progress towards the center of the city of three main axes, and began to besiege the elements of the Houthi militia in Hodeidah on three sides, as the army continued its progress towards the stronghold of Abdul-Malik al-Huthi in Maran Saada, amid preparations for a large-scale military operation in Saada to complete its liberation under the name «flood Saada».

In a statement to «Emirates Today», the spokesman of the brigades of the Giants, Mamoun al-Mahjami, said that the joint resistance forces began the siege of the city of Hodeidah from three sides after moving towards the city from three main axes, from the eastern, western and southern sides. Control of large parts of Kilo 16 east of Hodeidah, the Iranian Huthi militia lost military capability and completely paralyzed the West Coast fronts.

"In recent days, we have sent a new batch of massive military reinforcements to the outskirts of the city in the eastern, western and southern axes, and we have conducted simultaneous military operations in the three axes to advance the geographic surroundings of Har Hodeidah and impose a suffocating siege on the Iranian militias," he said.

He pointed out that the liberation of the port of Hodeidah would be a painful blow to the militias, as the most important port of sea for the receipt of Iranian weapons, and the liberation of the port will open the line of humanitarian aid to Yemenis. And control of the province of Hodeidah and its ports will contribute to the liberation of the remaining provinces that are still under its control, especially the capital Sanaa.

Al-Muhajmi confirmed the continuation of the forces of the Giants and the joint resistance in sending military reinforcements in preparation for the liberation battle of the city and the port of Hodeidah. The reinforcements included various fronts such as Drehmi, Kulou 16, Tahta and Hays. The reinforcements were also pushed towards the Taiz frontiers, as the strategic depth of the West Coast fronts in Yemen in general. Fighters and the Arab coalition forces in the recent operations near the city of Hodeidah, pointing to the recent raids launched by the coalition fighters, and targeted military reinforcements of the militias in the street of the fifty, which led to the death of a number of its members, The vessels prominent, as the recent raids have led to the destruction of the weapons store in the vicinity of Hodeidah.

He explained that the joint forces succeeded in controlling the roundabout Kilo 16 east of the city, a crossroads in the northern governorates of Yemen, Sana'a, Hajjah and Mahweet, the most important land port for the militia towards the capital Sana'a, pointing out that the forces did not impose full control over the area Kilo 16, The most important joints that have lost the militia supplies coming from the capital Sana'a, and the mines and small pockets that spread around the perimeter of Kilo 16, and the fear of the deaths of many dead and victims, especially in the Civilians whipped, are behind the lack of continued progress towards the completion of the rapid form of Hodeidah liberalization in general.

Al-Muhajmi stressed the importance of the military decision on the coastal fronts and the liberation of the remaining districts of the province of Hodeidah, especially that the militias are isolated from Sana'a, lost the most important means of supplying them and no longer have any survivability or victory in the coast. They were planted intensively in every inch of Hodeidah territory, including even residential buildings, trees and animals, the last of which was the discovery of mines in the form of palm trees, so we have to work very carefully to preserve the lives of civilians and the lives of our forces. The Joint Resistance Forces arrived at Al-Jamal district, Al-Rabsa neighborhood and adjacent areas of the Tihama Development Authority building. They continued their deliberate progress towards the city center, deep in Sana'a Street, with the support of the coalition and Apache aircraft. The battles entered their fourth day in the southern, , Which killed 72 Huthia and wounded others, including a sniper killed in the vicinity of the Western Faqih House. In Saada, Yemeni army forces continued to progress towards a hurdle in the Directorate of Haidan from the side of the phenomenon, and was able to control a number of highlands and valleys in the region, after violent battles left dead and wounded, according to field sources, noting that the militias received a major blow during the advance of the army in The region, after the deaths of more than 15 elements, including leaders close to Abdul Malik al-Houthi. In the meantime, the army continued preparations for a large-scale military operation in Saada to complete its liberation under the name of "the flood of Saada", where the new reinforcements were pushed to all the five battle axes in Saada. The majority of whom are from Saada, where they will have access to areas where they know their military and strategic importance.

In al-Jawf, near Saada, the army managed to repel an attack by the militias on their positions in the Safar al-Henaya district of al-Muttun district, causing heavy losses in equipment and lives. An armed ambush was also carried out in Sabrin area, They were on board. In the capital Sana'a, army forces foiled an infiltration of militias into their positions in the Qatab area, with the support of the Brotherhood members, who were deployed in the army to thwart the military operations of the Yemeni army on certain fronts, including the capital's fronts. Meanwhile, the death toll of militias as a result of the targeting of a training camp by coalition fighters in the Shaab area in the area of ​​Dalaa Hamdan north of the capital to 13 dead and 10 injured. On the other hand, the militias continued their violations against the sons of the capital Sana'a, and finally broke into beauty centers through their militia known as the "Zinbiyat", and arrested a number of centers, and transferred to secret detention centers established within the capital.

In al-Bayda, the militia killed two members of the local council in the Makiras district, Mohammed al-Haidari al-Musqa'i, after he stormed his home in the district of Krish, Haidar al-Musqa'i, and executed Ahmed al-Jaimalani in the Krish district.

In Muhaweet, west of Sanaa, the militias abducted a number of school students to be put in special training camps, before being driven to the burning of the fighting, according to local sources, noting that seven students were kidnapped during a school trip in the area of ​​stoning, and transferred to Sanaa for training before Send them to the fighting fronts.