The Yemeni Rally for Reform in Aden, the interim capital of Yemen, issued a statement in which he described what he described as the systematic targeting of the party, starting with its exclusion and marginalization at the level of local administrations, in order to target its symbols and cadres with direct killing.

The statement, which was published by the party's information department, criticized the city for "reform" in order to "remove it" accusing "militia forces ... of declaring war on it and demonizing it."

The party has published statistics of "terrorist" operations, including assassinations and abuses targeting its leaders and activists in Aden over the past three years.

According to the statement, the number of these operations twenty, including eight assassinations and four arrests and enforced disappearances, while the rest of the incidents are divided on the burning and targeting the headquarters of the party and raids on the homes of its members.

The party announced that it is preparing legal files in particular before the courts and international organizations, adding that "the hands of justice will reach all criminals" and that "these crimes will not be subject to prescription."