Houthi militias attacked the pro-Iranian coup, the British government, for revealing the intransigence of the militias in implementing the Stockholm agreement by refusing to evacuate the port of Hodeidah and the Houthi procrastination in implementing the first phase of the agreement.

The head of the Huthi delegation in Sweden's negotiations, Mohamed Abdel Salam, accused Britain yesterday of obstructing the Stockholm agreement and the political and peaceful solution in Yemen. The UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, also accused Britain of "obstructing the agreement" In response to the statements made by British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt about the Stockholm agreement, he said he was supposed to evacuate Hodeidah from the militia to be under neutral control by January.

He claimed that the agreement did not refer in any way to the presence of neutral parties in the port of Hodeidah, and in others, and continued his attack on Britain because of its support for legitimacy and the Arab Alliance for Yemen.

The British foreign minister visited the city of Aden, the headquarters of the internationally recognized government of Yemen, suddenly and unannounced, yesterday, and said in his remarks that the peace process in the city of Hodeidah may die within weeks if no further efforts are sincere.

During his meeting with Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister Salim al-Khanbashi, Yemeni Deputy Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yamani stressed the government's support for peace and the implementation of the Stockholm agreement regarding the city of Hodeidah and its ports. He said the British government provided 200 million pounds of humanitarian aid to Yemen.

A day before his visit to Aden, Hunt held talks with his Saudi counterpart Ibrahim al-Assaf in Riyadh, the Saudi minister of state for foreign affairs Adel al-Jubeir, met with Yemeni President Abdurbo Mansour Hadi and discussed the fragile truce in Hodeidah, which has been infiltrated by Houthi militias more than 1,400 times since the signing. Stockholm agreement last December. The British foreign minister described the control of the Huthi militias in Yemen as "the occupation," pointing out that "the Houthi occupation of Yemen is illegal" and called on the militias to stop their relationship with Hezbollah militias if they want peace. Always.

Hunt pointed out that he warned the Huthis that "the war will erupt again if they do not translate their words into actions," pointing out that, although more than 80 days after the Stockholm agreement, did not evacuate Hodeidah from the militias.

Hunt said in a tweet through his account on Twitter last Friday that the Huthi militias should be withdrawn immediately from Hodeidah and that vital humanitarian channels be allowed to be opened.