“For the purpose of forcibly stopping the Ukrainian warships, weapons were used. As a result, in the territorial waters of Russia in the Black Sea, all three vessels of the Ukrainian Navy were detained, ”RIA Novosti quotes the message.

It is noted that the ships of the Ukrainian Navy "Berdyansk", "Nikopol" and "Yany Kapu" were detained.

The DSP noted that the Ukrainian side knows the procedure for the passage of warships through the Russian territorial sea and along the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal and earlier Kiev already followed the established rules for making a peaceful passage.

Earlier in the FSB told about the medical assistance provided to three Ukrainian soldiers.

On November 25, the border guards of the FSB of Russia in the Crimea reported that three Ukrainian ships had illegally crossed the Russian border.

Subsequently, an advance from the port of Berdyansk in the Sea of ​​Azov of two armored artillery ships of the Gyurza class was recorded.

Read more - in the material RT.