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French ambassador to Germany Anne-Marie Descôtes alongside Angela Merkel in July 2018. Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP

Germany is one of the world's leading arms exporting countries. But these sales of military goods are very unpopular and divide the grand right / left coalition into power. Berlin's more restrictive provisions irritate Germany's partners because they make it difficult to sell joint projects. The ambassador of France in Germany criticized Berlin thus leaving her diplomatic reserve.

With our correspondent in Berlin, Guillaume Thibaut

The article appeared on the Academy's website for security policy but it did not go unnoticed. The direct criticism of the French ambassador to Germany against the Berlin government is unusual.

Anne-Marie Descôtes considers " unpredictable " German arms export policy too dependent on domestic policy considerations. The diplomat talks about risk for European defense cooperation and mentions the concern of Berlin partners.

At the time of writing, there are many common projects in this area and Paris, but also London, criticize German rules on arms exports more restrictive and changing.

The Grand Coalition's government contract included a year ago a ban on arms exports to countries involved in the war in Yemen. A provision targeting Saudi Arabia. But the projects already authorized were not concerned.

After the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul, all exports were frozen. A decision extended until the end of March. The CDU would like to relax the rules; the social democrats no. At present, even German components that French or British companies need are not delivered to them.