"Trump thus once again proves to the world community that he is a strong and gallant guy who is not afraid to blame a powerful country against the background of a real trade war between America and China. This statement must be taken in the context of the forthcoming congressional elections, "said Danuk.

According to him, Trump is trying "with one shot to kill two birds with one stone."

"Once again, he shows that he considers China an opponent and that the attention of the administration is focused on him. On the other hand, Trump tries to protect himself on the eve of the elections from accusations that once again the election process in the US was attacked and the Americans could not do anything. Trump says that we know about these intentions, and if such accusations happen, he can always say that he warned, "concluded Danyuk.

The expert added that Trump "skillfully uses consolidation rhetoric in order to gain political points and to protect themselves and their credibility."

Earlier, Trump accused China of intending to intervene in the American elections.