“It would be strange at first to escalate the hysteria around Russia's interference in intra-American political affairs, and in the run-up to quite important mid-term congressional elections, take and keep silent. Here, Russia seems to have been present in any case ... I think that this will not be the only accusation against the representatives of our country. The story of the so-called “Russian trace” in American politics has already become like a self-rolling wheel inside their political battles, ”he said.

Byshok also added that the opponents of the American leader Donald Trump would “show him to the end of his life” that he did not become the president thanks to the will of the American people. According to the expert, this topic should also be constantly updated.

“Either the next memories of some politician or the general manager who worked with Trump and hinted at something will come up, or similar stories will appear like another Russian who is trying to“ sabotage ”the American elections,” the expert concluded.

Earlier, the US Department of Justice has charged the Russian citizen with “interference” in the upcoming elections in November.