“Street protests related to violence, actions of left-wing radical activists, riots of migrants are not news for Europe and France. But, obviously, this time, despite a minor excuse, the protests did not dare in the traditional way. (President of France Emmanuel. - RT ) Macron and his security officials had the feeling that they would just burn 10-20 cars, leave the police in bottles - and everything would disappear. Not gone. We see that the protest of “yellow vests”, despite all its ambiguity of actions, is popular, and the topic does not go away, ”he noted.

According to Asafov, "it is absolutely clear that the traditional methods of stopping these processes did not work."

“It’s too early to talk about panic, as well as about the fall of Macron’s power. Nevertheless, this is an obvious problem, from which there is not yet a clear way out, so they try the rhetoric of promises, have introduced a moratorium to see how street dynamics will react to this. This will make it possible to understand who the external actor is, because it is already obvious that these protests have “yellow jackets”, such an actor exists, ”the expert concluded.

Earlier it became known that the French government decided to impose a moratorium on increasing taxes on fuel.

Mass protests of "yellow vests", opposing rising fuel prices, have continued in the country since mid-November.

During the riots, hundreds of people were injured and detained, about 140 will be brought to justice.