The Russian agency also expressed its readiness to work with the American side to discuss issues on Syria and other issues of military security.

"Syria has such contacts on coordinating air and ground operations at the level of the general staffs. Three such contact centers existed since October 2015 and allowed our and American specialists not to cross and avoid the effect of friendly fire, "the expert believes.

He stressed that this moment of cooperation was noted during the press conference in Helsinki as a positive sign.

"It's clear that if this happened in Syria, then we can continue to draw such parallels if there is a will of both sides. When the interaction expands, it will only benefit, "Leonkov added.

Earlier in the Russian Defense Ministry, they said they were ready for the practical implementation of the agreements of the leaders of Russia and the United States in the sphere of international security.

July 16, Putin and Trump held bilateral talks in Helsinki.

Political scientist Igor Ryabov in his conversation with the FAN called their meeting the most discussed event in the world.