“Warsaw is trying at all costs, step by step, to demonstrate a certain tribute to Washington, so that the United States stakes on Poland as a kind of military center of power that will be formed in the countries of small Europe. The country wants to become a reliable springboard for the United States. Hence the requests for the formation of Fort Trump base and the readiness to provide $ 4 billion for the maintenance of US military units. And, of course, this fifth-generation F-35 purchase, which Americans now do not understand very well, ”he said.

According to Sudakov, the F-35 is a very expensive car and Poland’s contribution to the economy of the United States will be quite substantial.

“Of course, the United States will treat with great respect to the buyer country, which absolutely does not need this flight technique, which does not protect them and does not help them in any way. Americans themselves said that the F-35 cars are good only if they are accompanied by smaller and more maneuverable F-22s. So, if Poland does not buy fighter units, it’s absolutely unnecessary for them. They just want to show off in front of the Americans, buying very expensive flight assets, ”the expert believes.

Earlier, the Minister of National Defense of Poland said that the republic plans to purchase 32 fifth-generation F-35 fighters from the USA.

According to him, the Polish and American sides have already begun negotiations.