“The EU fundamentally agrees to some postponement only if two conditions are met. First, it will be a maximum before the elections to the European Parliament. Because, if a miracle does not happen and the UK does not decide to stay in the European Union, of course, there should be no deputies from the UK in the EP. And they have almost a ten percent quota there. If they are re-elected, they will have to look for someone in their place, hold new elections, reduce the number of deputies in this cadence. That is, there will be serious bureaucratic problems that no one wants to deal with, ”said the expert.

According to him, the European Union is ready to give a reprieve if the UK explains why it needs it and what will change in the allotted time.

“There is no explanation so far. That is, it is not clear that this should happen, so that Teresa May will force the parliament to vote for the Brexit conditions proposed by the European Union. And nobody will give new conditions to May, because they must be coordinated with all EU member states, and this is a very long procedure. In principle, everything that is happening now is Teresa May, who is trying to chop a snake in pieces and somehow postpone the inevitable - the collapse of the negotiations, the hard brexit and her political funerals. So far, there are no positive perspectives, ”concluded Mirzayan.

Earlier, Tayani said that the UK’s exit from the EU could be postponed until April 18th.

The President of the European Parliament stressed that this is the last day when you can organize elections to the European Parliament.