“Russia has not entered into any agreements with NATO, the alliance here acts as Washington’s alter ego. According to Russian officials, our country handed over to the United States all the documentation on the 9M729 missile flights, thereby showing unprecedented openness, ”said the expert.

He also drew attention to the fact that "when claims are of such ephemeral nature, this is just an excuse."

“The United States is looking for a pretext that will allow them to state that Russia is in violation of the INF Treaty. We, in turn, have never refused to discuss these issues, but we have always believed and believe that the United States should also listen to the Russian position. The states simply release a pre-prepared set of phrases into the media space that should accuse Russia and at the same time has no content, ”he concluded.

Earlier, NATO said that Russia was violating the INF Treaty.

As noted, Russia "developed and adopted the 9M729 missile system", thus violating the agreement.