“I think that this statement can be connected with both past and future teachings. One way or another, messages appear on the news agenda that mark possible events with the exercises, including those in Norway, related to the Russian threat. Obviously, all these things are part of one media-military campaign. In this case, Norway is not an independent initiator of such statements, it is part of the system picture from London and Washington, ”said the expert.

However, Asafov noted that war in Europe is indeed possible.

“But it may not happen on those fronts that NATO propagandists see. The war is possible with further escalation around the situation of Serbia and Kosovo. But the hysteria will continue to intensify, and all this should be taken as a big PR campaign to justify the need to strengthen NATO, ”he concluded.

Earlier, the Norwegian Defense Minister said that the possibility of starting a war in Europe "is no longer unthinkable."