“Great Britain, obviously, is looking for allies in its difficult current existence within the European Union in a long-lasting divorce. It needs allies from Europe, since the confrontation with Brussels is going very hard, serious enough and, most importantly, weighty financial claims are being put forward. Among the countries should have been those who can synchronize with it on a number of points. Of course, Poland is an obvious candidate. First, the UK is so full of Polish labor migrants that it has become a topic for jokes inside the country. Secondly, there are common points in the confrontation with Brussels. Poland is experiencing quite serious complaints, for example, on issues of the Constitutional Court, reform of the judicial system and on European issues of migration, ”said Asafov.

According to him, “this is not only for common stated goals, which in this case coincide.”

“Obviously, this is the start of fruitful cooperation, which began with the coordination of security objectives. Poland will support Britain in this difficult divorce, an attraction of national humiliation, which is known as Brexit. New alliances must arise, it was only a matter of time. Perhaps, the UK is synchronized with the Baltic countries as well. We are witnessing the emergence of a new European bloc whose goal is to promote the old course of the then united West, which has acquired very clear anti-Russian outlines as the unifying moment, ”the expert believes.

Earlier, the United Kingdom and Poland agreed to “strengthen defense and security in order to counter new threats.”