The evening edition, the digital complement of Ouest-France, is available on all your screens! Discover the Une and the summary of this Monday, November 12.

The evening edition is online! Tablet, smartphone, computer: the digital supplement of the newspaper Ouest-France is accessible on all your screens. You can now discover for free the articles of this Monday, November 12th by clicking on the links below.

News. The info break of the day

Internet. The curious reaction of this young woman passionate web

Miscellaneous. Harassed by her Airbnb tenant, she lives a nightmare

Justice. "My face-to-face with Fourniret, the ogre of the Ardennes"

Nature. A shark nursery, rare discovery off Ireland

China. An old quarry transformed into a luxury hotel

Portrait. Who is Pascaline Lepeltier, best sommelier in France?

Offbeat news. The unusual of the day

Sports. 24 hours chrono ...

Sail. Why the trimaran Idec Sport still wins the Route du Rhum?

Wellness. What are the benefits of "purring therapy"?

Health. Six tips to combat sedentarity at work

History. When France was about to abolish the passport

Quiz. Quiz. Do you know the power of unicorns?

Quiz. Masculine or feminine, are you incollable on the kind of words?

Game. What is the age of these stars?

And also: our news quiz, games, and other surprises ...