Real Madrid have suffered a new defeat after Levante extended the pain of the club, which is soon to give up coach Julien Lobetigi.

Real continued to languish this season and failed to win their fifth consecutive game after losing 2-1 at home to Levante in the ninth phase of the Spanish league.

The 14-point win was held in fifth place on goal difference against Espanyol, with the rest of the games ending, while Levante lifted 13 points to jump to seventh after winning their third straight win.

The Real failed to win the fourth consecutive game in the competition, and fifth in various competitions.

The last win for Real was four weeks ago, with a goal of Espanyol in the Primera Liga on 22 September.

The first half ended with a 2-0 win over Levante by Jose Luis Morales and Roger Marti Salvador in the 7 th and 13 th minutes following a fatal foul by French defender Rafael Faran.

The second half saw the Real fall twice in the face of VAR, where they scored the penalty from the second goal after returning to the system. The referee also canceled a goal for Real Madrid star Marco Ascencio in the 18th minute after the video system proved that he put the ball in the goal with his hand.

In the second half, Anadah continued to score for Real in many of the chances that the team had in the first half, but Brazilian Marcelo gave the team a face-saving goal in the 72nd minute.