“We did not notice the signs of violent treatment, there are signs of inadequate care,” he said.

According to Osmanov, the girl is in a state of moderate severity, however, the prognosis for recovery is “the most optimistic.”

“I think she was there for at least two or three weeks for sure. Now psychologists and doctors are actively involved with the girl, she is undergoing a full examination of her health condition and treatment ... The forecasts are good, considering that so far she has not revealed any serious changes, and given that there is no threat to life, ”the doctor quotes RIA News.

Osmanov said that the child goes to the contact and smiles at people, knows the words and understands what she is being told, but does not speak herself.

Earlier it was reported that the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin put under control in the central office of the ministry the investigation of a girl abandoned in the apartment.