According to Yeletsky, the main competitors of Russian engineers are the French.

"French people. Americans do not have anything like that. French engineers have similar designs, but they are still at the testing stage, ”he said, referring to the Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile system.

In addition, the developer spoke about the features of the rocket 9M338.

“The range of its flight allows the Tor-M2 complex to cover troops along the front of 20 km. In this sector, we bring down everything that moves. Including small-sized, maneuvering, speed targets, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Yeletsky spoke about the uniqueness of the Tor M2 anti-aircraft missile system.

Also, the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Vladimir Shamanov, in an interview with the FAN, estimated the reports of the American media that the Poseidon submarine nuclear drones would appear in service with Russia not earlier than 2027.