Local sources revealed the existence of a network of tunnels dug by the Houthi terrorist organizations of Iran, in the city of Hodeidah on the west coast of Yemen, under the supervision of experts from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, while the fronts of Saada and Taiz and Sanaa military operations of the Yemeni army forces against the militias, Sources There are preparations for the start of decisive military operations in five fronts, namely Saada, the West Coast, Hajjah, Taiz and Ibb.

The joint forces of the Yemeni resistance continued their military operations in the vicinity of the city of Hodeidah and sent reinforcements to it. The most recent was the dispatch of a military brigade composed of members of the plankton tribes in Shabwa province by the national resistance led by Brigadier General Tareq Saleh, Relative to the Secretary-General of the General People's Congress Party, who was killed along with former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh in December last year.

According to military sources in the National Resistance, the brigade includes 1000 fighters trained in a qualitative military camp under the joint resistance, which was established in the Division of the Directorate of kindergarten in Shabwa, and accompanied the brigade to the West Coast 140 military pieces varied.

Local sources revealed that the members of the militia gangs dug large trenches under the streets of the city of Hodeidah, under the supervision of elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Lebanese Hezbollah militia, and that these tunnels link the government facilities in the city, which have been converted into barracks and headquarters for command and control and communication.

The sources explained that the tunnels include three main tunnels networks, allowing the movement of militia elements and movement along with defensive zones - offensive, enabling them to carry out secret and surprising attacks against the resistance forces if they enter the city.

The sources confirmed that the tunnel networks pass from the west of the airfield near the air base, through the small dizziness, the school of Hail Said and the university post in the first network, while the second network passes from the Faculty of Education to the intersection with the first network in the southeast of the hall of the Development Authority Tihama, The third network extends to the medical school and to the sports city, through a number of residential buildings whose inhabitants have been forced to flee. The network extends to the main gate of the airport.

The sources pointed out that the militias worked on the displacement of dozens in neighborhoods extending from the east of the University of Hodeidah to the perimeter of the central prison, and turned them into barracks and stores of weapons.

On the other hand, announced the special security forces in the province of Hodeidah open the door to accept recruitment and enrollment in the ranks of the people of the West Coast, and set on Sunday, the fourth of November, to receive the files of those wishing to join the ranks, according to official news agency «Saba», To the arrangements of the legitimate authorities after the liberation of the city and the province, in order to provide security and stability and to address the elements and cells of militias in the liberated areas.

The militias received a painful blow, the evening of yesterday, from coalition fighters that managed to destroy a secret training camp for the Houthis in Deir al-Nashiri district of Al-Marwahah in the province of Hodeidah, causing the death and injury of more than 150 of them and the destruction of an arms store.

A senior Yemeni army official survived an assassination attempt in the southern province of Dalia after an unknown device planted an explosive device in his car. Al-Ain news portal quoted a military source as saying that an explosive device was planted in the car of the 7th Battalion commander in the 33rd Armored Brigade, Colonel Taher Massad Aqla, and the explosion killed three of his companions, according to the source, the device exploded in the town of Sanaa in the center of the province.

In the Ibb, local sources and eyewitnesses confirmed that the Houthi militias had recently transferred a ballistic missile system from Ibb to areas in western Taiz. The sources explained that the transfer of rockets came following reports of the opening of fighting fronts in Ibb by the legitimate forces and the coalition, Which is currently being prepared on five crucial fronts, including Saada, the West Coast, Hajjah, Taiz and Ibb.

In the same context, the military sources in the front of Baqm in Saada, the presence of large military movements carried out by the Yemeni army forces under the supervision of the Arab Alliance, to resolve a number of fronts in Saada in the near future, including the front of the home of the leader of the militia leader, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, noting that the forces came very close From the Houthi caves on that front.

The Yemeni army forces, supported by the coalition, continued their advance towards the center of Baqam Directorate in the north west of the governorate from the northern and western sides, while continuing its siege of the militia elements in the center of the Directorate from all sides.

Coalition fighters launched raids on militia positions at Camp Kahlan, east of Saada, and targeted their positions in al-Zaher Directorate, south-west of Saada.

In Taiz, the operations of the Yemeni army and the joint resistance in the western part of the province expanded to cover the frontier, Jabal Habashi, al-Qadha, Ma'mair and East Al-Wazea'iyah. They managed to destroy the militia fortifications and their military vehicles.

In Sanaa, field sources confirmed that the army forces, backed by the Arab alliance, carried out a qualitative military operation in the area of ​​Arhab area, in which they managed to control a number of villages after the militias suffered heavy losses in equipment and lives.

Tribal sources in Sanaa revealed that the militias have taken measures to limit the movements of the tribal elders of the capital recently, using the method of intimidation, through the so-called General Authority for Tribal Affairs, which has been activated by them recently, and among the means used by the elements of Huthi against the tribes demanding their notification of their movements Within their precincts, fearing that they would leave for legitimate areas or attend meetings, as was recently held in Marib between the Yemeni army leadership in the seventh district and a number of elders of the Sana'a tribes.

Militant leaders demanded that their forces in areas under their control intensify efforts to raise funds to support their fronts, as well as monitor remittances after the disclosure of the official spokesman of the Houthis, Mohammed Abdul Salam, the transfer of 21 billion Yemeni riyals abroad.

The sources confirmed that the militias seized the salaries of the teachers sector provided by the United Nations, and sought to acquire $ 1 million, dedicated to the maintenance of roads in the province of Ibb.