Aware that publishing in Brittany is little known and poorly represented, some thirty publishing houses in the region want to reform an association of publishers. A general assembly is scheduled for Monday, January 14 at Ti Ar Vro, in Guingamp.

At the inauguration of the Book Festival in Brittany, on 27 and 28 October in Carhaix, the future of the Breton language was questioned in the speeches of the elected representatives present.

An issue that also challenges the Breton publishing houses for several months.

As of 2019, the book professionals are keen to revive the association of publishers in Brittany, 10 years after its dissolution "in a logic of pooling and promotion. We have noted that publishing in Brittany needs to come together for a better distribution and distribution of our professions and our publications, " says Jean-Marie Goater, director of eponymous editions based in Rennes.

Several objectives were raised thanks to an online questionnaire distributed before the summer to publishing houses: relationship with the media, libraries, universities, institutions and communities, representation of the Breton edition outside , promotion, environmental and social responsibility ...

Yann Pelliet, coordinator of the book festival in Brittany, is delighted with such an initiative and proposes that the 30th festival in 2019 be the showcase.

The appointment is given Monday, January 14, at the Breton cultural center, Ti ar Vro de Guingamp from 14 h. On the program, a first constitutive general assembly and meetings with booksellers and book professionals of the country of Guingamp.