The draft law LR "anticasseurs", put on the agenda by the government in favor of the crisis of "yellow vests", was largely rewritten Wednesday by the deputies in committee.

With a view to a new wording that will be proposed by the government in session next week, parliamentarians have notably deleted its Article 1, which was contested within a majority. He foresaw that the prefect could authorize "during the six hours preceding" a demonstration and until dispersal, "within a defined perimeter", security palpations and searches of bags.

READ ALSO - Law "anti-breakers": why the majority MPs are resisting the government project

A control mechanism on administrative police measures. While the bill, already passed by the Senate in October, provided for the creation of a national file of people banned from demonstrations, the Law Commission came back on this idea, adopting an amendment of the rapporteur Alice Thourot (LREM) so that the judicial prohibitions to demonstrate are rather registered in the file of the wanted persons (RPF). MEPs also introduced, via LREM amendments, a parliamentary monitoring and evaluation mechanism on the administrative policing measures of the text.

They also better circumscribed the new offense of concealment of the face in a demonstration as well as the additional penalty of prohibition of demonstrations, and also suppressed the envisaged evolution on the carrying of weapon during a demonstration, which is already repressed. .

The Assembly will consider the text on Tuesday and Wednesday. Finally, regarding the principle of the "paying breaker", the deputies provided that the State may exercise its civil remedy against any person against whom evidence will be adduced that it participated in the harmful events. The text as amended will be discussed in the hemicycle on Tuesday and next Wednesday.