The State of Palestine submitted to the Arab League a memorandum calling for an emergency meeting of the Council of the League, at the level of permanent representatives tomorrow, to discuss the dangerous Israeli escalation against the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership. As the central committee of the Fatah movement holds a meeting today to examine and assess the situation, the national factions will discuss during a meeting in the next few days to overcome obstacles to ending the division and achieving Palestinian reconciliation.

In a detailed statement, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said: "On the directives of President Mahmoud Abbas, the State of Palestine has requested the League of Arab States to convene an emergency meeting tomorrow at the level of delegates to discuss the dangerous Israeli escalation against our people and our leadership.

Al-Maliki said: "The State of Palestine will submit a draft resolution to the Council of the League, containing a number of recommendations and proposals, covering the Israeli escalation of the current danger and the expected position of the President of Brazil on the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation.

Maliki stressed the confidence of the State of Palestine with the support of the Arab League for the draft resolution, and to come up with mechanisms of action commensurate with the magnitude of the challenges.

Egypt is deeply concerned about the ongoing developments in the occupied Palestinian territories and the Israeli incursions into various parts of the West Bank, noting the possible repercussions of this escalation on the security situation in the West Bank and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories.

On the other hand, Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abul-Gheit said that the Australian declaration, which included the recognition of West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, was disturbing because it ran counter to international law and the Palestinians' established rights.

Abul-Gheit pointed out that recognizing only West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, while ignoring the recognition that East Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Palestine, implies a clear bias toward the Israeli position, ignoring the Palestinians' legitimate and legitimate rights in East Jerusalem as the capital of their state.

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad yesterday criticized Australia's move to recognize West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, saying such recognition was "not right" for states.

"Jerusalem should remain as it is now, not the capital of Israel," Mahathir told Reuters on the sidelines of a conference in Bangkok.

Israel has signaled its displeasure at Australia's recognition of only West Jerusalem as its capital, and an official close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was a mistake to deny what he called Israel's control of the entire city.

Netanyahu himself kept silent and did not comment on Australia's move during a weekly cabinet meeting.

In Ramallah, Fatah Central Committee member Azzam al-Ahmad said that the committee would hold a preparatory meeting today to study and assess the situation before President Mahmoud Abbas returns from his visit to Jordan.

Al-Ahmad said in statements to the official Voice of Palestine radio that there is an existing crisis that must be dealt with at all levels. He pointed out that the occupation forces and the settlers in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem are warning of a full explosion in the region, praising the Jordanian and Egyptian positions supporting the rights of the Palestinian people and refusing to escalate. Israeli conflict.

He also announced a meeting of the national factions in the next few days, with the aim of achieving national unity and overcoming the obstacles to ending the division and achieving reconciliation, pointing out that Hamas is still insisting on its negative positions rejecting the end of the division.

For its part, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants condemned the aggression of the occupation and the settlers against the people, stressing that what happened did not correspond to Netanyahu's declared intention to "whitewash" illegal settlement outposts and escalate other repressive measures.

In the meantime, the Israeli occupation army arrested yesterday 12 Palestinians during a raid and search in various areas in the occupied West Bank, and were transferred to investigate the security services, on suspicion of resisting the occupation and settlers.

• The Palestinian Foreign Ministry: Netanyahu is using the escalation and using it to legitimize the settlement system.