The Egyptian authorities today tightened insurance procedures around the public squares, coinciding with the eighth anniversary of the revolution of January 25, 2011, which overthrew former President Hosni Mubarak, in the absence of calls to demonstrate to revive the occasion.

The Egyptian army spokesman Colonel Tamer Rifai said that the General Command of the Armed Forces took all actions in coordination with the Ministry of Interior to secure the commemoration of the 25th of January, and after the police, all the provinces.

The military official said in a statement today that "field armies and military areas have completed preparations for deployment and help in securing citizens and important installations.

Road insurance
He added that all measures of vigilance were taken to secure the Suez Canal and to prevent attempts to infiltrate and smuggle in all strategic directions.

Egypt has not seen any calls for a mass rally to demonstrate, protest or celebrate inside the country to commemorate the anniversary, but many of the pioneers of the sites of communication interacted with the anniversary between the builder and critic.

The security forces cordoned off the entrances of the governorates of Cairo, Giza (west of the capital) and Qaliobiya (north) by deploying ambushes and static and mobile security centers on these entrances, whether in desert or agricultural roads.

And Adi and Tani reveal, and saw Elham Shahin!
Henshelha you for history, why throw you Tamer Abdel Moneim, Hanfkrk
Its name is the revolution of January, O remnants of O Muslehjee # 25 January

- Gamal Eid (@gamaleid) January 23, 2019

Tahrir Square
Tahrir Square (the icon of the January Revolution) witnessed a security spread through constant patrols and moving to the nearby Abdel Moneim Riad square.

It is noteworthy that Egypt entered after the victory of the revolution of January 25 in political and security turmoil damaged the local economy, and less than a year after the election of Mohamed Morsi as president of Egypt, the army led by then Minister of Defense Abdul Fattah al-Sisi coup in Morsi in the summer of 2013, Next year and wins a second term last year.