Alaa Abdel Razek - Cairo

While hundreds of thousands of Egyptians are waiting for the results of the United States' random cloud immigration application, which the public will call the lottery, expected in May after closing last week's applications, those who won last year's draw will be presenting their papers to the US Embassy In Cairo.

The Green Card program was established under the Immigration Act 1990. The program aims to diversify the immigrant population in the United States by selecting people, most of whom come from countries with low migration rates to the United States in the past five years.

According to US Consul General in Cairo, Lisa Facker, the number of Egyptians who applied for a random immigration visa exceeded 800,000 in 2016. Only 3,400 were accepted, while the US Embassy in Cairo granted about 77,000 visas to the United States other than the immigration visa obtained by businessmen and journalists And others.

"I want a meritocracy. We are actively calling for such migration, but we do not want more of the kind of lottery he wants," Trump wrote on Twitter. Democrats, we need to become much stronger and smarter. "

Admission requirements
The US government requires that the applicant must have at least one secondary school certificate. All applicants must have at least two years' experience in their field of work. The applicant must complete the application form before the deadline. Next May. If the winner fails to meet the conditions mentioned above, his application will be withdrawn and rejected.

According to the Kentucky Consular Office, the US State Department program gives 55,000 randomized immigration visas each year randomly selected by computer.

On the social networking sites, hundreds of pages of immigration and lottery pages follow the American Dream page, where participants exchange information about the applications. In May, the lucky ones asked about the papers required to be presented to the embassy, ​​and those who have already gone to America for their experience There.

US Embassy in Cairo receives about 800,000 random immigration requests each year (European)

Repeated attempts
The 27-year-old Mamdouh, who for the fourth time in a row gave a green card, has been following the pages of social networking sites on the subject of new immigrants to America or those who dream of emigration. This follow-up has become familiar with the details of migration and its methods and the most important mandates for Arab immigrants in general Or Egyptians in particular.

"Most Egyptians go to New York, New Jersey, Texas or California because of a lot of jobs," Mamdouh told Al

"I was thinking of getting a job in the Gulf, but I did not spend, because of the political events that Egypt experienced, the price of living and what I heard from a friend who immigrated to America," says the young man - who works as a private company employee and earns a relatively reasonable salary - He began to think seriously about the progress of the random migration of the United States, especially as it does not ask for certain financial savings like other countries.

Mamdouh explained that his friend went on a tourist visa and was able to marry an American citizen. He got the green card and became a legal resident. He works as an Ober driver until he finds a suitable job in engineering.

First time
Unlike Mamdouh, Hazem, an engineer with a special place, had a green card for the first time this year, a decision he made with his wife after having his first child.

According to Hazem, 30, it is very difficult to live in Egypt in the context of deteriorating economic and social conditions, explaining that migration is the solution, and that he studies migration to America, Canada or Australia.

"America is the only country that does not ask you to win the Green Card. You just have to be lucky to be accepted and then you can arrange for visa, medical and travel expenses, and there you're looking for work and your dream of getting US citizenship will come true in a few years."