The US Supreme Court has rejected President Donald Trump's ban on asylum for immigrants illegally crossing the US-Mexico border. This failed Trump's appeal against a previously pronounced verdict in San Francisco.

On Trump's side stood the new judge Brett Kavanaugh and three other conservative judges. Migrants who gathered in the Mexican city of Tijuana and fled across the border to America should therefore be denied a legal asylum procedure. However, Supreme Judge John Roberts and the four more liberal judges of the court rejected this proposal.

The President had signed a proclamation against illegal immigration in November. Asylum procedures should therefore only be possible at official border crossings. Trump said he was responding to "caravans of migrants" who came to the border.

If it comes to Trump, then only legally arrived people in the US may apply for asylum. A judge in San Francisco had already stopped this attack in November, but the president did not want to be content with the defeat and appealed to the Supreme Court.

Trump also announced to use up to 15,000 soldiers for border security. The cost of this alone amount to 5900 soldiers to about 210 million dollars. The Department of Defense told the US Congress this week. Another 2100 forces would burden the US budget with 138 million dollars.