Sudanese protesters participating in the ongoing demonstrations in Khartoum revealed that the protest rallies during the past period have turned into a "popular wedding" filled with many humanitarian scenes witnessed by the observers in the early days of the Arab Spring demonstrations with a special Sudanese fingerprint. Banqueting for the demonstrators, holding weddings in the field, attending technical teams, entering mystical circles, setting up "Sher Transport" to pay for transportation for the needy, and raising pictures and names of the absentees in the field in reference to their participation in historical moments.

"Sudan is a revolutionary and humanitarian school in its own right. It has learned its way to peaceful protests before the so-called Arab Spring, whether in the 1964 or 1985 uprising. Sudan's collective culture has its own very human traditions, which appear in the circumstances," a Sudanese journalist told Emirates Today. But what is new is that these demonstrations are taking place after the changes that have taken place in the society and where people think they have forgotten them. "


He added that "the most prominent humanitarian snapshots were the weddings witnessed by the field in front of the headquarters of the General Command of the army, most notably the wedding of the Qureshi Era, which mingled the slogans of the revolution with the wedding songs, and the crowd chanted to them (fall and show - and Khandars Kendakah), knowing that before the last sit- The coup d'état itself, to political demonstrations influenced by the prevailing climate, and there are bags of money placed on the roads and written on them (Sher Transport - you have a muff-shell), which means that this money to participate collectively to provide transportation for participants, if you have money if you do not share with you and need a drag , Knowing that there are Ka cars T stand all the way to the sit-in to reach people on their way, and there are sacrifices and banquets up every moment of the demonstrators, some of my family and the other provided by food companies, and there is also a band «Hmprip comedy», which has spread its members everywhere to broadcast joy among Sudanese demonstrators ».


"I attended the days of Tahrir Square in Cairo and participated in the recent demonstrations in Sudan. There are similarities, but Sudan is the father of the celebration and the father of culture is undisputed and therefore it was necessary for the special fingerprints," said al-Sudani al-Kabbashi. For example, the Sufi marches started from every place, penetrating the streets of Khartoum to reach the sit-in where it was established, and every night saw large workshops attended by thousands. This is a difficult phenomenon to repeat in any Arab country, and there is a third thing that every Sudanese family has a dear emigrant I raised a banner in his name and sometimes in his image in the field, as if she did not like to miss these historic days, especially since many consider their migration to be for political or economic reasons.

The Sudanese researcher Tahani said: "The participation of the Kandakat in the ongoing demonstrations is very remarkable. Instead of the direct political participation, which was reflected in the number of women detainees, the female fingerprint was a clear sign, either by participating in their beloved local songs highlighted by the wonderful shot of Canada, The Statue of Freedom is alive, and there is the role played by non-political women's groups, such as some of the girls of Manbar, a group of 350,000 girls, who were fully mobilized to support the uprising, and girls from the Hawatah group, a For the most important role played by the Sudanese women and girls in general in the intifada, which is their organizational ability to manage life in various aspects of pharmacy to living, which created a sit-in parallel state.

The Deacon

"It is interesting that the intifada broke out with (the sheikh) twice, once a young man joined the demonstrators rejecting the logic of exclusion and marginalization, and again when the intifada benefited," said Asadi. Of the human experience of the sun, through the use of the language (Randok) coding they understand, a language that moved from them - any of the suns - to tens of thousands of young people in universities, and a language has its vocabulary and terminology that cover all aspects of life, so it was appropriate to spread in The ranks of participants in the demonstrations of b "Their move needs some sort of secrecy."

Asim added: "By the way, the language of the Randoc has become the subject of important scientific and international studies, and some have described it as a mechanism of survival as well as a language. These shamans are the marginalized and the inhabitants of the parties who caused their appearance and continuation of the policies of wars and famines and the policies of marginalization against them. .

Government media The protesters are called the deacon, the poor young people who are already homeless on the streets.

The participation of the kandakat in the current events is very striking, and the women's footprint is a clear indication of their beloved songs, which were highlighted by the kandakka, which the world considered a free living statue.