Students and workers in professional sectors in Sudan on Tuesday held protest vigils in several cities, demanding the overthrow of the regime and ousting President Omar al-Bashir, coinciding with the call of the Sudanese Union of Independent Trade Professionals for Civil Disobedience tomorrow.

According to eyewitnesses, a statement of the gathering of opposition professionals; university professors, doctors, pharmacists, medical personnel, agricultural engineers and private sector workers took part in the vigils.

Al-Jazeera correspondent Al-Tahir Al-Mardi said that the student movement continues today through several protest vigils at universities in Khartoum, repeating the slogans of political reform.

Teachers and staff at the Shendi State University (north of the country) also gathered and demanded that Bashir be removed. Workers at Omdurman National University also gathered with a number of employees of private companies in the same city.

Among the protests that took place today, a number of agricultural engineers gathered in front of the Agricultural Engineers Union House in Khartoum and raised slogans including "the people want to overthrow the regime."

The Sudanese Medical Association said that pharmacists in the pharmaceutical companies carried out stops in several cities to express their rejection of the deteriorating reality in the medicine sector. The Sudan Independent Doctors' Committee reported that dozens of doctors and medical staff held stops in Khartoum hospitals and the cities of Kassala (east) And raised slogans including "freedom of peace and justice" and "revolution choice of the people."

On the other hand, the gathering of professionals intensified its calls for the masses to participate in the declared civil disobedience of the Rally and the opposition coalitions tomorrow, and called in a statement to "intensify calls for direct communication and communications in the neighborhoods and villages in the capital Khartoum and the states,

The statement considered that civil disobedience is one of the means of peaceful resistance through the participation of the general public in all its classes to refrain from performing the specific job, stressing that it is a political act guaranteed constitutionally, with the aim of rejecting violations and laws restricting freedoms.