By RFIPalled on 06-04-2019Modified on 06-04-2019 at 20:24

Dozens of riot trucks were mobilized in Khartoum to disperse thousands of demonstrators who were this Saturday for the first time gathered in front of the army headquarters, four months after the start of the protest against Omar al-Bashir. His detractors were determined to settle permanently in one of the squares of the city.

Among the parties and movements that called for this gathering, there is the Sudanese congress party. One of his spokesmen, Omer Su Khalid, was enthusiastic in the middle of the day to see the protesters manage to settle in front of the army headquarters. " The number of people allowed to defeat the tactics violent regime that had been given. This allowed the demonstrators to control certain axes in Khartoum. They say they will stay until the departure of Omer al-Bashir. "

This was the intention of the Association of Sudanese Professionals, the organization that was behind the protests four months ago, following the rise in the price of bread. She asked the people to show solidarity with the demonstrators, as did other opposition parties.

" There are appeals now to distribute water and food. The answer is magic. The businessmen, local donors, came to bring food, water to the protesters wherever they occupy the streets in Khartoum, "says Omer Su Khalid.

But security forces eventually intervened with tear gas, dozens of riot vehicles were mobilized.

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