By Stéphanie MaupasPosted on 11-04-2019Modified on 11-04-2019 at 18:26

The two arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2009 and 2010 against Omar al-Bashir are still active. The former Sudanese president is being prosecuted for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Darfur during the regime's rebellious war.

For the moment, the International Criminal Court is cautiously considering the events under way in Sudan, where the Ministry of Defense announced on Thursday the dismissal of Omar al-Bashir . And for good reason: for ten years, no one has cooperated in the arrest of the Sudanese president, neither the 123 member states of the Court, nor the UN Security Council. Yet it was he, who in 2006 had seized the crimes committed in Darfur.

This dismissal obviously changes the situation. The diplomatic embarrassment of arresting an incumbent head of state is now a thing of the past. But many are wondering what the teachers of Khartoum will do. Power is not in the hands of the opposition, and it seems unlikely that they will offer full cooperation to the Court. They can choose to compose, trying Omar al-Bashir before the Sudanese courts for the same facts as those carried by the ICC. This is one of the legally acceptable options for the Court, which is only a last resort when states refuse to conduct the trials themselves.

Darfur inquiry still open

But do not forget that at the ICC, the Darfur inquiry remains open. The former head of state is suspected of having implemented a state policy targeting civilians of the Four, Massalit and Zaghawa ethnic groups. Although in recent years, the prosecutor's investigation has focused on consolidating her accusations against Omar al-Bashir and four other regime officials who were also prosecuted - including Ahmed Harun, the current leader of the National Congress Party. (PCN) - Fatou Bensouda has the possibility to issue new arrest warrants.

In a statement, Human Rights Watch asked the new authorities to deliver " immediately " Omar al-Bashir to The Hague. " The victims of the most serious crimes in Darfur should not wait any longer for justice ."

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