By RFIPalled on 12-04-2019Modified 12-04-2019 at 00:05

Despite the state of emergency, repression, the prohibition of demonstrations, and the arrest of some of its members, the Sudanese professionals association (APS) has been at the forefront of the dispute over the last four months. Who are its members ?

Doctors, lawyers, journalists, teachers and pharmacists. Eight trades make up the association of Sudanese professionals (APS) , born in hiding at the end of the protests against the cost of living in 2013. Initially, it is the doctors who are the spearhead of this group.

The idea is to have a space for advocacy in a country where independent unions are banned and opposition parties, led by the same figures for 30 years, are weakened by repression. Youth does not recognize it anymore.

A slogan: " freedom and change "

The very economic demands quickly become political with the demand of the departure of the president. In December 2018, the association emerged from the shadows and became leader of the protests. With this slogan " freedom and change ", she calls for a peaceful transition of power.

Result: many of its leaders are arrested. But the few hundred people who run APS are very organized. Anonymity, use of social networks and creation of application on phone, the association also relies on relays abroad.

Lastly, since January she has been creating links with local revolutionary committees in working-class neighborhoods. It is the connection between these two hotbeds of discontent in the city center and periphery that explains the unprecedented power of the dispute since Saturday.

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