Ahmed Fadl-Khartoum

The Sudanese capital of Khartoum and other areas witnessed demonstrations on Wednesday as the April 6 parade, called by the Freedom and Change Forces, came up with student protests from several universities.

Three days before the anniversary of the April 6 uprising that toppled the regime of former Sudanese President Jaafar Nimeiri in 1985, the students of the Rabat police academy demonstrated to the street, shouting "Tonight fall down, but when the fire broke out," they managed to reach the main exhibition street Overlooking the district of Berri in Khartoum, one of the main strongholds of protests.

To the south of the University of Rabat, students of the Faculty of Private University Renaissance, demanding the overthrow of the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, and within the University of Khartoum, the country's oldest universities, organized the initiative of university professors and a protest to demand the peaceful transfer of power.

The area of ​​Ambda west of the city of Omdurman anti-government demonstrations raised banners to glorify the martyrs who fell during the protests, which entered the fourth month without interruption.

Students demonstrate in the capital Khartoum (Al Jazeera)

Qualitative evolution
The officials of the circular medicine fund in the state of Khartoum, a government body, also carried out a protest against what they saw as a tragic situation in the fund.

The committee of the Central Pharmacists of Sudan, which is part of the gathering of professionals, considered the previous step to be very significant and is a breakthrough for state institutions of government and regularity in the protests.

The Ring Drug Fund is a state-owned pharmaceutical company affiliated to the Ministry of Health in Khartoum and plays an important role in the supply of medicines to government pharmacies.

A demonstration for the workers of the circular medicine box (communication sites)

Mobility states
Outside the capital, Khartoum, protests continued at Gedaref University, where students of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences went out to the streets calling for slogans of freedom, peace and justice.

Students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Dongola in the northern state also demonstrated, and clashes erupted between students and members of the security forces.

The study was resumed at the two universities, while the study remained suspended in most universities after the suspension of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research study in universities immediately after the demonstrations in December last year.

Today's demonstrations have not been announced in advance by the professional gathering, which has announced a regular schedule of demonstrations. According to the assembly schedule, protests will be launched on Thursday as "bread and dignity" in the three cities of Khartoum state.