The President of the Transitional Military Council, the Sudanese Defense Minister and Chairman of the Supreme Security Committee, Major General Awad bin Awf announced his resignation, and the appointment of Abdul Fattah Barhan as the new military council.

The group Omar Zine El Abidine, head of the political committee in charge of the military council had said earlier on Friday that the Council will hold a dialogue with political entities to create the atmosphere for dialogue.

"The crisis in the country required comprehensive solutions, and the solutions are based on the demands of the protesters in the street," said Omar Zine El Abidine. "We are not in power," he said, stressing that President al-Bashir had been detained and that all those involved in the killings would be prosecuted. He also stressed that the Transitional Military Council would not extradite al-Bashir to criminality, nor would the council hand over any Sudanese to outsiders.