His quad, parked on a farm in Saint-Lumine-de-Coutais, south of Nantes, had been stolen. He found it on the site Le bon coin. The owner has alerted the gendarmes who have recovered. The alleged thief was arrested.

A quad parked inside a stabling (stable) on a farm in Saint-Lumine-de-Coutais, south of Nantes, attracted the greed of a thief in the night of October 10 to 11. When the owner noticed it, he went to check on leboncoin.fr. Stunned, he discovered on October 19 that his quad was on sale on the site.

The owner alerted the gendarmes. And made an appointment with the seller pretending to be a buyer.

Friday, October 26, the seller came with the quad on a carpool area south of Nantes. He was a 16-year-old teenager. He was arrested by the gendarmes stationed not far from there and placed in custody.

The 16-year-old said he responded to an ad. He got the quad in exchange for his bike. The gendarmes tracked the man behind the exchange, a 22-year-old man from Saint-Etienne-de-Mer-Morte and put him in custody a 22-year-old man. He is summoned to court on February 15 for robbery.

The 16 year old teenager was released without prosecution. He did not know that the quad had been stolen.