Researchers have found that sleep for six to eight hours a night is beneficial for the heart, and that more or less can increase the risk of coronary artery disease, or stroke, according to the results of a new study. Research reported to the European Society of Cardiology in Munich, Germany, suggests that sleep deprivation or excessive sleep time should be avoided to ensure heart health.

"Our findings suggest that excessive or reduced sleep may be harmful to the heart," says study author Dr Ibamondonas Fontas of the Onassis Heart Surgery Center in Athens, Greece. "More research is needed to explain exactly why, but we know that sleep affects biological processes such as glucose metabolism, blood pressure and inflammation, all of which have cardiovascular effects," he said. More than 1 million adults from 11 studies were analyzed as part of the research.

According to the study, those who sleep less than six hours a night or more than eight hours are at increased risk of death or death from coronary artery disease or stroke. Compared to adults who sleep six to eight hours a night, "people who sleep for a short time" are 11 percent more dangerous, while "long-term sleepers" have a 33 percent greater risk of injury over the nine-year period Coming. "Short sleep is unlikely to be harmful to health, but accumulated evidence suggests that long-term sleep deprivation or excessive sleep is avoided," says Dr. Fonteas. "Getting a good night's sleep is important for an excellent health. When it comes to our heart and circulatory health, this big study suggests there may be a good spot between getting a lot of sleep," says Heart's senior cardiac nurse Emily McGrath. , And get a little of it ». "This research does not need alarm bells for those who spend a sleepless night, or just lie down on weekends. However, if you struggle regularly to get a good sleep, talk to your GP. The lack of sleep, as well as having a negative impact on your quality of life, can contribute significantly to heart health problems. "